Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Creative Uses

One of the most heart warming things about being a mom is sharing my love of making with my daughter. Since most of my making is centered on use, she often hears me talk about my wares in terms of how they function in daily life. I just adore how she found her own use for one of my wall pods. They were originally made to hold plants!

Friday, July 22, 2016


This morning I tried to sneak in a little breakfast photo shoot. I got my shot then heard little footsteps and a dog wimper. Soon my props where eaten. Breakfast, check!

Thursday, July 21, 2016


Welcome to my blog. If you've been following along for the past 10 years, you might remember me as Little Flower Designs. A year and a half ago I decided it was time to just be me and changed my business name to Linda Johnson Studio. So here I am, a potter, mother and wife. The 3 take up all of me which is mostly joyful, sometimes challenging yet fulfilling ♡ I haven't blogged in quite some time but feel it's time to journal my creative journey. I do hope you will follow along. I can feel some changes coming to my creative path, working through this while keeping life going is the core of what I plan to write about.
About me? I have a soon to be 1st grader that inspires me to follow my own path as I encourage her to create her own. We spend quite a bit of time in the studio, our garden and swimming. It is summer after all. In the studio I am mostly stocking stores. Small galleries, gift shops and museum stores. This keeps me very, very busy. Maybe a little too busy...but I truly love it! My husband and I are also working on our home, a fixer upper with never ending projects. He also is a newish bee keeper which is amazing to witness, scarey to help with but oh the yummy honey!!! Plus saving the bee's and diving deeper into an eco concious lifestyle suits us. I don't want to leave my sweet beagle lady out, she is my constant companion and surely will appear in posts.
Thank you for following along on my journey ♡Linda